The importance and practice of worship, how to enter more freely and fully into corporate worship, and how to present your body as a living sacrifice to Him.
- David Denninger: David Denninger
A call to commit to personal, family, and corporate prayer, anticipating and desiring a life-long quest to discover the secrets of intimate communion with our Heavenly Father.
- Teacher: David Denninger
The priority God has given to prayer in bringing His kingdom comes into sharp perspective as we consider the grace with which He works in the lives of those who respond to His call to persevere in seeking His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Hearing God's voice and speaking His Word
- Teacher: David Denninger
It is important for each of us to be aware of God’s intentions for us as His people, living by His Word and called to be discipling witnesses. There is much for us to realize and do as His royal priesthood. God has expectations of everyone in whom His Word has become alive.
This course is a study of Francis Schaeffer's book, True Spirituality.